Elder Care

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Describes Alzheimer’s disease. Identifies the 10 warning signs of Alzheimer’s disease. Explains the benefits of early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease. Enumerates the goals of Alzheimer’s treatment.

Autoimmune Disease & Multiple Sclerosis - 3 hours

Identifies the causes and types of autoimmune disease. Identifies common symptoms of multiple sclerosis. Describes the issues in diagnosing multiple sclerosis. Identifies possible courses of multiple sclerosis disease progression. Identifies available therapeutic options, including disease-modifying drugs, therapeutic agents for alleviating symptoms, and behavior modifications that may benefit a multiple sclerosis patient.

Better Habits, Better Health - DVD - 6 hours (w/Home-study exam)

Describes how personality types, core beliefs, and behavioral habits affect chronic illness. Discusses the most common chronic illnesses and the key factors in prevention and management. Explains how stress, anxiety, and depression influence chronic illnesses. Describes practical behavioral habits for coping with disabling chronic conditions like pain, cancer, arthritis, and other diseases. Lists ways to help patients develop healthier habits in terms of nutrition, activity, preventive medical and dental care, and emotional well-being. Describes how the information in this course can be utilized to improve patient care and patient outcomes. Describes, for this course, the implications for dentistry, mental health, and other health professions.

Better Habits, Better Health - Streaming Video - 6 hours (w/Home-study exam)

Describes how personality types, core beliefs, and behavioral habits affect chronic illness. Discusses the most common chronic illnesses and the key factors in prevention and management. Explains how stress, anxiety, and depression influence chronic illnesses. Describes practical behavioral habits for coping with disabling chronic conditions like pain, cancer, arthritis, and other diseases. Lists ways to help patients develop healthier habits in terms of nutrition, activity, preventive medical and dental care, and emotional well-being. Describes how the information in this course can be utilized to improve patient care and patient outcomes. Describes, for this course, the implications for dentistry, mental health, and other health professions.

Brain Trauma, Concussion, & Dementia - 6 Hours - Streaming Video (w/Home-study exam)

Describes the brain structures and functions that are most vulnerable to trauma. Outlines the major steps in assessing patients with brain trauma and predicting disability. Discusses key clinical features of concussions, penetrating head injuries, and blast injuries. Describes the relationship between brain trauma and dementing illness such as Alzheimer’s and chronic traumatic encephalopathy. Outlines the rehabilitation strategies most likely to improve outcomes in patients with brain trauma. Discusses the practical steps to prevent brain trauma from motor vehicle accidents, falls, and sports. Describes how the information in this course can be utilized to improve patient care and patient outcomes. Describes for this course, the implications for nursing, dentistry, mental health, and other health professions.

Brain Trauma, Concussion, & Dementia - DVD - 6 Hours (w/Home-study exam)

Describes the brain structures and functions that are most vulnerable to trauma. Outlines the major steps in assessing patients with brain trauma and predicting disability. Discusses key clinical features of concussions, penetrating head injuries, and blast injuries. Describes the relationship between brain trauma and dementing illness such as Alzheimer’s and chronic traumatic encephalopathy. Outlines the rehabilitation strategies most likely to improve outcomes in patients with brain trauma. Discusses the practical steps to prevent brain trauma from motor vehicle accidents, falls, and sports. Describes how the information in this course can be utilized to improve patient care and patient outcomes. Describes for this course, the implications for nursing, dentistry, mental health, and other health professions.

Brain Trauma, Concussion, & Dementia - DVD only *NO CE - 6 hours

Describes the brain structures and functions that are most vulnerable to trauma. Outlines the major steps in assessing patients with brain trauma and predicting disability. Discusses key clinical features of concussions, penetrating head injuries, and blast injuries. Describes the relationship between brain trauma and dementing illness such as Alzheimer’s and chronic traumatic encephalopathy. Outlines the rehabilitation strategies most likely to improve outcomes in patients with brain trauma. Discusses the practical steps to prevent brain trauma from motor vehicle accidents, falls, and sports. Describes how the information in this course can be utilized to improve patient care and patient outcomes. Describes for this course, the implications for nursing, dentistry, mental health, and other health professions.

Brain Trauma, Concussion, & Dementia - Streaming Video only *NO CE - 6 hours

Describes the brain structures and functions that are most vulnerable to trauma. Outlines the major steps in assessing patients with brain trauma and predicting disability. Discusses key clinical features of concussions, penetrating head injuries, and blast injuries. Describes the relationship between brain trauma and dementing illness such as Alzheimer’s and chronic traumatic encephalopathy. Outlines the rehabilitation strategies most likely to improve outcomes in patients with brain trauma. Discusses the practical steps to prevent brain trauma from motor vehicle accidents, falls, and sports. Describes how the information in this course can be utilized to improve patient care and patient outcomes. Describes for this course, the implications for nursing, dentistry, mental health, and other health professions.

Cancer Prevention

Describes the role tobacco plays in various kinds of cancers. Identifies the impact of estrogens, and viral and bacterial pathogens, on the development of cancer. Describes the lifestyle and dietary changes that can help prevent the development of cancer. Discusses the benefits and drawbacks associated with some of the tools used to screen for cancer. Identifies the role of chemopreventive agents, and how they may be able to curtail the onset of cancer, or its recurrence.

Cancer Prevention - Ebooklet

Describes the role tobacco plays in various kinds of cancers. Identifies the impact of estrogens, and viral and bacterial pathogens, on the development of cancer. Describes the lifestyle and dietary changes that can help prevent the development of cancer. Discusses the benefits and drawbacks associated with some of the tools used to screen for cancer. Identifies the role of chemopreventive agents, and how they may be able to curtail the onset of cancer, or its recurrence.

Caring for Patients with Alzheimer’s

Lists methods to assist patients with memory and communication problems. Lists strategies to assist patients with mood and behavioral problems. Identifies strategies to assist patients with physical and personal hygiene problems. Identifies approaches to mealtime and nutritional health. Identifies strategies for handling exercise, socializing, and other activities. Discusses when and how to consider alternative living arrangements including respite care. Describes the legal and financial concerns that need to be addressed.

Clinical Update on Alzheimer's Disease & Other Dementias - DVD - 6 Hours (w/home-study exam)

Describes the differences between normal and abnormal brain aging. Lists measures to preserve brain function and reduce the risk for cognitive decline. Defines dementia and describe common dementia syndromes. Describes the major characteristics of and treatments for Alzheimer’s disease. Lists medications and common clinical conditions that can cause dementia-like symptoms. Describes how the information in this course can be utilized to improve patient care and patient outcomes. Describes for this course, the implications for nursing, dentistry, mental health, and other health care professions.

Clinical Update on Alzheimer's Disease & Other Dementias - DVD Only *NO CE - 6 hours

Describes the differences between normal and abnormal brain aging. Lists measures to preserve brain function and reduce the risk for cognitive decline. Defines dementia and describe common dementia syndromes. Describes the major characteristics of and treatments for Alzheimer’s disease. Lists medications and common clinical conditions that can cause dementia-like symptoms. Describes how the information in this course can be utilized to improve patient care and patient outcomes. Describes for this course, the implications for nursing, dentistry, mental health, and other health care professions.

Clinical Update on Alzheimer's Disease & Other Dementias - Streaming Video - 6 Hours (w/Home-study exam)

Describes the differences between normal and abnormal brain aging. Lists measures to preserve brain function and reduce the risk for cognitive decline. Defines dementia and describe common dementia syndromes. Describes the major characteristics of and treatments for Alzheimer’s disease. Lists medications and common clinical conditions that can cause dementia-like symptoms. Describes how the information in this course can be utilized to improve patient care and patient outcomes. Describes for this course, the implications for nursing, dentistry, mental health, and other health care professions.

Clinical Update on Alzheimer's Disease & Other Dementias - Streaming Video Only *NO CE - 6 hours

Describes the differences between normal and abnormal brain aging. Lists measures to preserve brain function and reduce the risk for cognitive decline. Defines dementia and describe common dementia syndromes. Describes the major characteristics of and treatments for Alzheimer’s disease. Lists medications and common clinical conditions that can cause dementia-like symptoms. Describes how the information in this course can be utilized to improve patient care and patient outcomes. Describes for this course, the implications for nursing, dentistry, mental health, and other health care professions.

Cognition, Diet, & Longevity - DVD only *NO CE - 6 hours

Explains how personality types, habits, and beliefs inuences behavior and the risk for disease. Discusses how mental disorders such as anxiety and depression aect physical health. Describes how addiction to sweet, fatty, and salty foods promotes obesity. Lists the diets shown to enhance longevity and prevent disease. Lists the causes of improved life expectancy in the United States. Explains how patients can delay or survive the top ten causes of morbidity and mortality. Describes, how the information in this course can be utilized to improve patient care and patient outcomes. Describes, for this course, the implications for dentistry, mental health, nursing, and other health-care professions.


Describes the key features of prediabetes, type 1, type 2, and gestational diabetes. Identifies the hormones involved in blood glucose control. Identifies the main macrovascular and microvascular complications of diabetes and describe their underlying pathology. Describes the diagnostic tests for diabetes and outline the values defining normal and abnormal results. Outlines the pharmacologic agents and lifestyle changes in the management and prevention of diabetes.

Diabetes - Ebooklet

Describes the key features of prediabetes, type 1, type 2, and gestational diabetes. Identifies the hormones involved in blood glucose control. Identifies the main macrovascular and microvascular complications of diabetes and describe their underlying pathology. Describes the diagnostic tests for diabetes and outline the values defining normal and abnormal results. Outlines the pharmacologic agents and lifestyle changes in the management and prevention of diabetes.


Identifies the issues in the pathogenesis of fibromyalgia as well as controversies regarding the clinical presentations of this condition. Reviews the differential diagnosis of fibromyalgia, including differentiation from myofascial pain syndromes, chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), irritable bowel syndrome, and other conditions. Identifies treatment regimens and management options for fibromyalgia, including “integrative” treatments (exercise and herbal and over-the-counter remedies). Explains to patients the role of sleep disorders in the pathogenesis of fibromyalgia and in the clinical management of this condition.

Hair & Nails

Describes the patterns and causes of alopecia and hirsutism. Discusses the evaluation and possible treatments for hair loss and hirsutism. Describes changes in nail color, shape, and texture that indicate underlying illness. Lists medications which can cause hair or nail abnormalities. Discusses practical strategies for maintaining healthy hair and nails.

Hospice & Palliative Care

Discusses the goals and challenges involved in palliative care. Lists key aspects of addressing advanced medical directives, do-not-resuscitate (DNR) orders, mechanical ventilation, and tube feedings at the end of life. Describes major symptoms encountered in terminal illness and treatment options. Outlines common sources of mental, emotional, and spiritual suffering at the end of life and measures to ease them. Identifies key factors to improve communication with the patient and family members and ease caregiver stress.

Hospice & Palliative Care - streaming video - 3 Hours (w/Home-study exam)

Reviews the recent Medicare law regarding end-of-life discussions with patients and define options for patient and provider consideration. Discusses the psycho-social implications of death and dying among varied cultures and religions and how this effects healthcare delivery. Identifies the concerns most expressed by the dying. Identifies patient rights to live with dignity and as much independence as possible until the end. Cites the philosophy, history and tradition of death and dying over time and how current beliefs developed. Discusses heroic measures verses natural death and discuss caregiver support. Describes the stages of death, the timeline of what happens to the physical remains after death, and care of the body after death. Identifies necessary legal documents regarding death, disposition of the body, family and patient rights, and how these important statutes assist the poor and the marginalized.

Hospice & Palliative Care - Streaming video only *NO CE - 3 hours

Reviews the recent Medicare law regarding end-of-life discussions with patients and define options for patient and provider consideration. Discusses the psycho-social implications of death and dying among varied cultures and religions and how this effects healthcare delivery. Identifies the concerns most expressed by the dying. Identifies patient rights to live with dignity and as much independence as possible until the end. Cites the philosophy, history and tradition of death and dying over time and how current beliefs developed. Discusses heroic measures verses natural death and discuss caregiver support. Describes the stages of death, the timeline of what happens to the physical remains after death, and care of the body after death. Identifies necessary legal documents regarding death, disposition of the body, family and patient rights, and how these important statutes assist the poor and the marginalized.


Inflammation, in its broadest sense, is the body’s response to tissue injury. Acute inflammation is typically of short duration, is nonspecific, and may be triggered by any injury. On the other hand, when the inflammation has a slow onset and persists for weeks or months it is referred to as chronic. A major difference between acute and chronic inflammation is that the former is restricted to a specific tissue or organ, whereas the latter affects the lining of the blood vessels throughout the body. In this sense, chronic inflammation is systemic. Chronic, systemic inflammation has been implicated as a major causative factor for several major diseases, including cardiovascular disease, retinopathy, nephropathy, and neuropathy. Detection of chronic inflammation is essential in order to prevent and control these disease processes. This course is designed to help clinicians understand the underlying physiological mechanisms that lead to chronic, systemic inflammation so that they may be more capable of assisting patients in avoiding unnecessary suffering, disability, and expense.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Identifies the differences between functional gastrointestinal disorders and inflammatory bowel diseases. Explains the pathophysiology of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and identifies appropriate treatment strategies. Discusses the pathophysiology of Crohn’s disease and ulcerative collitis and identify appropriate treatment strategies. Identifies psychosocial issues in chronic gastrointestinal disorders. Discusses new research on the causes of gastrointestinal disorders, such as peptic ulcer disease.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome - Ebooklet

Identifies the differences between functional gastrointestinal disorders and inflammatory bowel diseases. Explains the pathophysiology of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and identifies appropriate treatment strategies. Discusses the pathophysiology of Crohn’s disease and ulcerative collitis and identify appropriate treatment strategies. Identifies psychosocial issues in chronic gastrointestinal disorders. Discusses new research on the causes of gastrointestinal disorders, such as peptic ulcer disease.

Keeping Balance & Preventing Falls

Lists causes and health hazards of falls. Outlines methods of preventing falls among the elderly. Lists the techniques for improving balance among the elderly. Describes procedures to prevent falls and reduce the risks of injury.

Keeping Balance & Preventing Falls - Ebooklet

Lists causes and health hazards of falls. Outlines methods of preventing falls among the elderly. Lists the techniques for improving balance among the elderly. Describes procedures to prevent falls and reduce the risks of injury.

Knee Pain

Describes the anatomical structure of the knee. Identifies the different types of knee injuries and their manifestations. Describes the difference between major and minor injuries and the causes of knee pain. Explains strategies for preventing knee pain. Discusses the medical and surgical options now available to treat knee pain/injury.

Knee Pain - Ebooklet

Describes the anatomical structure of the knee. Identifies the different types of knee injuries and their manifestations. Describes the difference between major and minor injuries and the causes of knee pain. Explains strategies for preventing knee pain. Discusses the medical and surgical options now available to treat knee pain/injury.

Leg & Foot Pain

Describes how leg and foot pathologies can impair functional ability. Describes the role of different disciplines in the diagnosis and treatment of leg and foot pathologies. Outlines evidence-based interventions for each condition. Identifies risk factors for each leg/foot condition. Identifies how this course will impact his/her current practice and interaction with patients, clients, and families.

Living to be 100 - 2nd edition

Do you want to live the longest, healthiest, happiest life you can with the best mental and physical functioning? This home-study course is literally about the secret to life: the lifestyle choices you can make that will increase the odds of having the longest and healthiest life you can. You will find out that there are 16 lifestyle characteristics that these oldest people tend to have in common, no matter where they live in the world.

Living to be 100 2nd edition - EBOOK

Do you want to live the longest, healthiest, happiest life you can with the best mental and physical functioning? This home-study course is literally about the secret to life: the lifestyle choices you can make that will increase the odds of having the longest and healthiest life you can. You will find out that there are 16 lifestyle characteristics that these oldest people tend to have in common, no matter where they live in the world.

Living to be 100 2nd edition - EBOOK only *NO CE

Do you want to live the longest, healthiest, happiest life you can with the best mental and physical functioning? This home-study course is literally about the secret to life: the lifestyle choices you can make that will increase the odds of having the longest and healthiest life you can. You will find out that there are 16 lifestyle characteristics that these oldest people tend to have in common, no matter where they live in the world.

Low Back Pain

Defines low back pain. Describes the prevalence of this condition within the U.S. Identifies the different causes of low back pain. Describes some of the treatment approaches employed. Discuss ways to prevent low back pain.

Low Back Pain - Ebooklet

Defines low back pain. Describes the prevalence of this condition within the U.S. Identifies the different causes of low back pain. Describes some of the treatment approaches employed. Discuss ways to prevent low back pain.

Memory Loss & Forgetfulness

Identifies the memory changes that take place in normal aging. Discusses how mild cognitive impairment (MCI) differs from memory loss in normal aging and from dementia. Describes the cognitive and personality changes that take place in Alzheimer’s disease. Identifies cognitive and personality changes that occur in a range of non-Alzheimer’s disease dementias.

Memory Loss & Forgetfulness - Ebooklet

Identifies the memory changes that take place in normal aging. Discusses how mild cognitive impairment (MCI) differs from memory loss in normal aging and from dementia. Describes the cognitive and personality changes that take place in Alzheimer’s disease. Identifies cognitive and personality changes that occur in a range of non-Alzheimer’s disease dementias.

Memory, Forgetfulness, & the Brain - Streaming Video - 6 Hours (w/Home-study exam)

Describes the essential components of forming, storing, and retrieving memories. Lists practical ways that perception, time, emotions, stress, and sleep affect memory. Discusses the differences between normal forgetting, age-related memory decline & amnesia syndromes. Lists the common lifestyle factors, medical conditions and medications that can compromise memory. Describes useful strategies to preserve memory & help patients and caregivers cope. Describes how information in this course can be utilized to improve patient care and patient outcomes. Describes, for this course, the implications for dentistry, mental health, and other health professions.

Memory, Forgetfulness, & the Brain - Streaming Video only *NO CE - 6 hours

Describes the essential components of forming, storing, and retrieving memories. Lists practical ways that perception, time, emotions, stress, and sleep affect memory. Discusses the differences between normal forgetting, age-related memory decline & amnesia syndromes. Lists the common lifestyle factors, medical conditions and medications that can compromise memory. Describes useful strategies to preserve memory & help patients and caregivers cope. Describes how information in this course can be utilized to improve patient care and patient outcomes. Describes, for this course, the implications for dentistry, mental health, and other health professions.

Neck & Shoulder Pain

Identifies the anatomy and function of the neck and shoulder joint. Identifies the different neck and shoulder disorders. Discusses the differences in presentation of signs and symptoms among the different neck and shoulder disorders. Describes the role of imaging in the diagnosis of neck and shoulder disorders. Lists surgical and non-surgical treatment options for these disorders. Discusses recent advances in joint replacement surgery (arthroplasty) and artificial disc replacement.

Neck & Shoulder Pain - Ebooklet

Identifies the anatomy and function of the neck and shoulder joint. Identifies the different neck and shoulder disorders. Discusses the differences in presentation of signs and symptoms among the different neck and shoulder disorders. Describes the role of imaging in the diagnosis of neck and shoulder disorders. Lists surgical and non-surgical treatment options for these disorders. Discusses recent advances in joint replacement surgery (arthroplasty) and artificial disc replacement.

Non-traditional Approaches: Anxiety, Insomnia, & Depression

Identifies and describe cognitive behavioral therapy techniques used in treatment of insomnia, depression, and anxiety. Discusses how existing communication technology expands psychotherapeutic treatment options. Lists reasons why many people with anxiety disorders never seek medical help. Discusses how non-traditional approaches can improve patient care and outcomes.

Non-traditional Approaches: Anxiety, Insomnia, & Depression - Ebooklet

Identifies and describe cognitive behavioral therapy techniques used in treatment of insomnia, depression, and anxiety. Discusses how existing communication technology expands psychotherapeutic treatment options. Lists reasons why many people with anxiety disorders never seek medical help. Discusses how non-traditional approaches can improve patient care and outcomes.

On Loss & Grief

Discusses the clinical study of grief from classical to modern times. Identifies emotional, cognitive, behavioral, social, and physical responses to loss. Describes resilience to loss and explain what may increase the likelihood of this response. Discusses the role of grief counseling and when it may be useful. Describes an intervention model for dealing with loss and grief. Explains the differences between normal and complicated grief. Discusses the treatment of grief in children and adolescents.

On Loss & Grief - Ebooklet

Discusses the clinical study of grief from classical to modern times. Identifies emotional, cognitive, behavioral, social, and physical responses to loss. Describes resilience to loss and explain what may increase the likelihood of this response. Discusses the role of grief counseling and when it may be useful. Describes an intervention model for dealing with loss and grief. Explains the differences between normal and complicated grief. Discusses the treatment of grief in children and adolescents.


Describes the signs and symptoms of osteoporosis and its main risk factors. Discusses the role of genetics, menopausal status, medical status and medication use as causative factors. Discusses the methods of diagnosing the disease and recommendations regarding the timing and use of tests for bone mineral density. Identifies the role of diet and exercise in the prevention and treatment of bone loss. Discusses the current research on hormone therapy in prevention. Discusses different treatment options including drug therapy, physical therapy and surgery.

Pet Therapy

Describes the aspects of the relationship between humans and their pets that contribute to health and well-being. Cites the scientific evidence on the relationship between pets, life, and health. Identifies the psychological basis for the relationship between humans and their pets. Describes the varying roles of pets as therapeutic agents.

Pet Therapy - Ebooklet

Describes the aspects of the relationship between humans and their pets that contribute to health and well-being. Cites the scientific evidence on the relationship between pets, life, and health. Identifies the psychological basis for the relationship between humans and their pets. Describes the varying roles of pets as therapeutic agents.

Reducing Stress

Explains how the body responds to and processes stress. Identifies the impact of stress on risk for heart disease and the physiological mechanisms that may mediate this link. Describes the role stress may play in increasing risk for health problems across the life span. Identifies a number of interventions for reducing stress.