Knee Pain - Ebooklet

Describes the anatomical structure of the knee. Identifies the different types of knee injuries and their manifestations. Describes the difference between major and minor injuries and the causes of knee pain. Explains strategies for preventing knee pain. Discusses the medical and surgical options now available to treat knee pain/injury.

Outline for INR Printed Homestudy Course, "Knee Pain"

Hour 1

  1. Anatomy of the Knee
  2. Knee Strain and Sprain
  3. Treatment Options for Knee Pain and Strain
  4. Arthritis of Knee Joints

Hour 2

  1. Signs and Symptoms of Osteoarthritis
  2. Treatment Options for Osteoarthritis
  3. Different Knee Fractures: Signs & Symptoms
  4. Patello-Femoral Pain Syndrome

Hour 3

  1. Osteochondritis Dissecans
  2. Chondromalalia Patella
  3. Preventing Knee Injuries
  4. Total Knee Replacement


Learning Objectives


  1. Describe the anatomical structure of the knee.
  2. Identify the different types of knee injuries and their manifestations.
  3. Describe the difference between major and minor injuries and the causes of knee pain.
  4. Explain strategies for preventing knee pain.
  5. Discuss the medical and surgical options now available to treat knee pain/injury.
Products specifications
Instructor R. Hullon, M.D., J.D.
More Information About This Course: Knee Pain accreditation
# of Pages 39
Contact Hours: 3
NCBTMB Contact Hours 3 (Not Approved for NY)
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