Meditation - Ebooklet

Defines what meditation is. Identifies the benefits of meditation and the research supporting these benefits. Reviews the history of meditation and how it came to be popular in North America. Identifies the most popular meditation techniques. Discusses how to troubleshoot challenges that may arise while meditating.

Hour 1

  1. Introduction
  2. History of Meditation
  3. Why Meditate?


Hour 2

  1. The Benefits of Meditation
  2. Meditation in other cultures
  3. Why Meditate?


Hour 3

  1. Learning to Meditate
  2. Troubleshooting Challenges
  3. Conclusion


Learning Objectives

  1. Define what meditation is.
  2. Identify the benefits of meditation and the research supporting these benefits.
  3. Reviews the history of meditation and how it came to be popular in North America.
  4. Identify the most popular meditation techniques.
  5. Discuss how to troubleshoot challenges that may arise while meditating.
Products specifications
Instructor B. Sternberg, Ph.D.
More Information About This Course: Meditation accreditation
Instructor B. Sternberg, Ph.D.
# of Pages 43
Contact Hours: 3
NCBTMB Contact Hours 3 (Not Approved for NY)
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