Leg & Foot Pain

Describes how leg and foot pathologies can impair functional ability. Describes the role of different disciplines in the diagnosis and treatment of leg and foot pathologies. Outlines evidence-based interventions for each condition. Identifies risk factors for each leg/foot condition. Identifies how this course will impact his/her current practice and interaction with patients, clients, and families.

Hour 1

  1. Introduction
  2. Sciatica:  Definition, Diagnosis, Causes, & Treatment Options
  3. Varicose Veins:  Definition, Signs & Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment, & Prevention
  4. Meralgia Paresthetica: Definition, Signs & Symptoms, Diagnosis, & Treatment Options

Hour 2

  1. Baker’s Cyst: Definition, Signs & Symptoms, Diagnosis, & Treatment Options
  2. Common Exercise-Related Leg & Foot Conditions: Causes, Diagnosis, & Treatment Options

Hour 3

  1. Diagnosis & Treatment of Digital Deformities
  2. Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome
  3. Sprained Ankle
  4. Forefoot Pain: Stress Fractures & Morton’s Neuroma
  5. Metabolic Disease Related Leg & Foot Conditions
  6. Conclusion, Questions and Exam


Learning Objectives

  1. Describe how leg and foot pathologies can impair functional ability.
  2. Describe the role of different disciplines in the diagnosis and treatment of leg and foot pathologies.
  3. Outline evidence-based interventions for each condition.
  4. Identify risk factors for each leg/foot condition.
  5. Identify how this course will impact his/her current practice and interaction with patients, clients, and families.
Products specifications
Instructor W. Schroeder, Ph.D., O.T.R
Instructor W. Dubner, D.P.M
# of Pages 77
More Information About This Course: Leg & Foot Pain accreditation
Contact Hours: 3
NCBTMB Contact Hours 2 (Approved for NY)
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