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Understanding Emotions

Describes several meanings for the term “emotion.” Defines the relation between emotions and the brain. Explains the relation between thinking and emotions. Explains anger, envy, jealousy, sadness, depression and stress and discuss steps that can be taken to handle each of these emotions. Describes what is meant by “positive emotions” and how they can be enhanced.

Hour 1

  1.    Introduction
  2.    What Is An Emotion?
  3.    Emotion and The Brain?
  4.    Thinking and Emotion
  5.    Socially Troublesome Emotions: Anger, Envy, & Jealousy
  6.    Anger


Hour 2

  1.    Envy
  2.    Jealousy
  3.    Anxiety
  4.    Guilt
  5.    Shame


Hour 3

  1.    Sadness & Grief
  2.    Depression
  3.    Stress
  4.    Positive Emotions: A Special Case
  5.    Mood: Positive & Negative
  6.    Conclusion
  7.    Post-Test


Learning Objectives

  1. Describe several meanings for the term “emotion.”
  2. Define the relation between emotions and the brain.
  3. Explain the relation between thinking and emotions.
  4. Explain anger, envy, jealousy, sadness, depression and stress and discuss steps that can be taken to handle each of these emotions.
  5. Describe what is meant by “positive emotions” and how they can be enhanced.
Products specifications
Instructor B. Sternberg, Ph.D.
Contact Hours: 3
More Information About This Course: Understanding Emotions accreditation
# of Pages 39
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