The Science of Fat & Sugar - Streaming Video only *NO CE - 6 hours
Identifies metabolism and physiology of lipids and carbohydrates in health and disease as well as in the aged individual. Lists the approaches to a patient suffering from metabolic disease from the nursing, pharmacological, psychological, and physical therapy standpoints. Compares and contrast appetite suppressants and other medications that induce weight loss. Discusses the recent discoveries in neurochemistry and neuroscience of the link between behavioral pathology and metabolic disease. Compares and contrast the healthy and the potentially dangerous weight loss strategies and long-term effects of fad diets. Describes the oral health implications of metabolic disease as well as eating disorders. Describes the empiric developments in bariatric treatments, their implications for nursing practice, and behavioral therapies. Lists sources of benecial lipids and carbohydrates and methods of improvement of palatability of the healthier foods. Identifies the role of the oral microbiome, periodontal disease, and S. mutans in appetite pathology, binge eating and obesity.