Understanding Pain - Streaming Video - 6 Hours (w/Home-study exam)

Lists the neurologic processes causing pain and suffering and the principles of pain assessment. Discusses treatment modalities for primary and secondary headaches, including migraine and rare cephalagias. Lists the “red flags” of medication abuse and approaches to reduce opioid addiction. Describes the differential diagnosis of dental vs. cervical and cervicogenic pain and the appropriate intervention for both. Lists steps involved in the diagnosis and management of spinal pain, including physical and occupation therapy. Describes how the information in this course can be utilized to improve patient care and patient outcomes. Describes for this course, the implications for nursing, dentistry, mental health, and other health professions.

 ** Exam/Evaluation and Syllabus files will be added to your cart with this item.

Learning Objectives

  1. List the neurologic processes causing pain and suffering and the principles of pain assessment.
  2. Discuss treatment modalities for primary and secondary headaches, including migraine and rare cephalagias.
  3. List the “red flags” of medication abuse and approaches to reduce opioid addiction.
  4. Describe the differential diagnosis of dental vs. cervical and cervicogenic pain and the appropriate intervention for both.
  5. List steps involved in the diagnosis and management of spinal pain, including physical and occupation therapy.
  6. Describe how the information in this course can be utilized to improve patient care and patient outcomes.
  7. Describe for this course, the implications for nursing, dentistry, mental health, and other health professions.
Products specifications
Contact Hours: 6
Instructor N. Katz, M.D., Ph.D.
More Information About This Course: Understanding Pain Accreditation PDF
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