Understanding Depression & Bipolar Disorder - Streaming Video - 6 Hours (w/Home-study exam)

Explains how changes in brain chemistry and structure occur in depression and bipolar disorder. Determines how chronic stress becomes a pathway for the development of major depressive disorder. Describes the new DSM-V criteria for the diagnosis of major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder. Outlines suicide risk factors and suicide prevention strategies, including the risk for suicide in dentists. Lists the differences in symptoms and treatment of major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder. Explains the differences between Bipolar I Disorder, Bipolar II Disorder, cyclothymia, and related subtypes. Describes how the information in this course can be utilized to improve patient care and patient outcomes. Describes, for this course, the implications for dentistry, mental health, nursing, and other healthcare professions.

Part 1

  • Depression's Effect on the Brain:Hypothalamus. Pituitary Gland. Cerebral Frontal Cortex. Amygdala. Hippocampus. Cerebellum.
  • Neurons and Neurotransmitters: Depression and Neuro-Chemical Imbalances.
  • The Multi-Part Brain: Cognition, Emotions, Moods, and Depression. The Spectrum of Illness.
  • How Emotions and Moods Differ: Differences.
  • Traumatic Negative Emotional Memories:Are They the Basis for All Emotional andMood Disorders?
  • Bad Thinking Habits and Depression. What Are Negative Procedural Memories?
  • The Many Causes Of Depression:Stress. Brain Chemistry. Genetics and Epigenetics. Lifestyle. Sex, Gender, and Hormones. Medical Disorders. Medications and Illicit Drugs.
  • Too Tired to Think: How Insomnia Leads to Depression.
  • The Nature of Depression and Impact on Lifestyle: Nonfatal Disability?
  • Chronic Pain and Depression:Still Misunderstood after a Century of Research.
  • Dental Professionals and Low-Back Pain:Spurring Development of Depression?
  • Diagnosing Depression:Clinical Interviews. Physical Exam and Blood Tests. Screening Tests and Questionnaires.
  • New DSM-V Diagnostic Criteria for Major Depressive Disorder

Part 2

  • The Depression-Heart Disease Connection:A Deadly Two-Way Street.
  • Age, Sex, and Depression: Are Younger People and Women More Depressed?
  • Childhood Depression: How Boys and Girls Differ. How Should Childhood Depression Be Treated?
  • Depression and Suicide: Are Men or Women More Vulnerable? Risk Factors.
  • Are Dental Professionals More Prone to Depression and Suicide?Separating Fact fromFantasy.
  • Subtypes of Depression: Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder. The "Baby Blues," Antepartum, and Postpartum Depression. Psychotic Depression. Seasonal Affective Disorder. Substance-Induced Depression.
  • Is It Grief or Depression or Both? Normal and Abnormal Grieving. Treatments.
  • Antidepressant Medications: Which Are Best? How Do They Work? How Long Does ItTake Them to Work? Why Do They Stop Working?
  • Psychotherapy Treatments for Depression: Mindfulness Meditation. Cognitive­ Behavioral Therapy.
  • Alternatives for Treatment-Resistant Depression: Repeated Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation. Vagus Nerve Stimulation. Electroconvulsive Therapy. Magnetic Seizure Therapy. Ketamine Therapy.
  • Bipolar Disorder: Manic-Depression. Distinguishing It from Major DepressiveDisorder.
  • New DSM-V Diagnostic Criteria for Subtypes of Bipolar Disorder: Bipolar I, Bipolar II, and Cyclothymia. Rapid-Cycling and Dual-Phase Bipolar Disorder.
  • Treatments for Bipolar Disorder: Mood Stabilizers, Antidepressants, andAntipsychotics. Do People with Bipolar Disorder Need Psychotherapy?

 ** Exam/Evaluation and Syllabus files will be added to your cart with this item.

 Learning Objectives

  1. explain how changes in brain chemistry and structure occurin depression and bipolar disorder.

  2. determine how chronic stress becomes a pathway for the development of major depressive disorder.

  3. describe the new DSM-V criteria for the diagnosis of major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder.

  4. outline suicide risk factors and suicide prevention strategies, including the risk for suicide in dentists.

  5. list the differences in symptoms and treatment of major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder.

  6. explain the differences between Bipolar I Disorder, Bipolar II Disorder, cyclothymia, and related subtypes.

  7. describe how the information in this course can be utilized to improve patient care and patient outcomes.

  8. describe, for this course, the implications for dentistry, mental health, nursing, and other healthcare professions.

Products specifications
Contact Hours: 6
Instructor M. Howard, Ph.D.
More Information About This Course: Understanding Depression & Bipolar Disorder Accreditation PDF
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