Medical Ethics - Ebooklet

Identifies and discusses the principles of medical ethics. Defines and distinguishes between ethics, morals, and values. Identifies the ethical obligations in a clinician-patient relationship. Explains the issues surrounding patient consent, including informed consent, voluntary consent, and competent consent. Discusses ethical principles in preserving patients’ confidentiality, including the requirements of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Explains the legal documents that apply to end-of-life health care decisions and the ethical principles that apply to the right-to-die controversy. Identifies the core values and code of ethics as they should be applied within the medical professions.

Hour 1

  1.    Principles of Medical Ethics
  2.    Critical elements of the physician/patient relationship
  3.    Ethical obligations of physicians and patient care
  4.    Consent
  5.    Informed consent
  6.    Expressed vs. implied consent
  7.    Voluntary consent
  8.    Competent consent


Hour 2

  1.    Confidentiality
  2.    Maintaining patient confidentiality
  3.    Withholding information
  4.    Breach of confidentiality
  5.    Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
  6.    Patient medical records and release of confidential or privileged information


Hour 3

  1.    End of Life Decisions
  2.    Right to Die Issues
  3.    Reproduction, Genetic Testing, and Ethics


Learning Objectives

  1. Identify and discuss the principles of medical ethics.
  2. Define and distinguish between ethics, morals, and values.
  3. Identify the ethical obligations in a clinician-patient relationship.
  4. Explain the issues surrounding patient consent, including informed consent, voluntary consent, and competent consent.
  5. Discuss ethical principles in preserving patients’ confidentiality, including the requirements of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).
  6. Explain the legal documents that apply to end-of-life health care decisions and the ethical principles that apply to the right-to-die controversy.
  7. Identify the core values and code of ethics as they should be applied within the medical professions.
Products specifications
Instructor R. Hullon, M.D., J.D.
Contact Hours: 3
More Information About This Course: Medical Ethics accreditation
# of Pages 91
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