Paradise Regained: Achieving Remission in Depression

Identifies pharmacological, herbal, and integrative approaches useful in remission-oriented management of unipolar depression/major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder. Outlines the issues of neurotransmitter-affecting medications, associated side effects, and interactions with other medications, including drugs used in dental practice. Discusses the optimal strategies for treatment augmentation in cases of treatment-resistant depression. Discusses experimental treatments for depression (e.g., transcranial magnetic therapy and vagus nerve stimulation) with patients.

Hour 1

  1.      Introduction
  2.      Drugs for UD/MDD
  3.      Treatment Variations for Cases of UD/MDD


Hour 2

  1.      What Can Be Done for Treatment-Resistant UD/MDD
  2.      Psychotherapy
  3.      Herbal Remedies
  4.      Ginseng


Hour 3

  1.      Valerian Root
  2.      Omega-3 Fatty Acids
  3.      Experimental Approaches
  4.      Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS)
  5.      Addendum


Learning Objectives

  1. Identify pharmacological, herbal, and integrative approaches useful in remission-oriented management of unipolar depression/major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder.
  2. Outline the issues of neurotransmitter-affecting medications, associated side effects, and interactions with other medications, including drugs used in dental practice.
  3. Discuss the optimal strategies for treatment augmentation in cases of treatment-resistant depression.
  4. Discuss experimental treatments for depression (e.g., transcranial magnetic therapy and vagus nerve stimulation) with patients.
Products specifications
Instructor N. Katz, M.D., Ph.D.
More Information About This Course: Paradise Regained: Achieving Remission in Depression accreditation
# of Pages 57
Contact Hours: 3
NCBTMB Contact Hours 3 (Not Approved for NY)
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